Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ok, well... this sucks.

I don't know what happened, but somehow last night Kelly got mad at Dustin and now Dustin is afraid he's moving out. This CAN'T happen. For one, if he moves out, I will be about $400 short on rent. Also, he was like... my ticket out of LA (by taking over my part of the lease). Oh, God, I am so sooooo scared right now. For once in the last three weeks I have something OTHER than just Jim on my mind...

I hope he doesn't move out. He can't. He just CAN'T.

I HATE my life. This is so awful, and just another money-related road block. Those of you who don't have to worry about this kind of stuff are so lucky. I can't believe what my life is. I feel like a drug addict or something. I will NEVER be able to dig myself out of this. I owe money to like four different people, not to mention my school debt, car, rent, utilities. I wish there was SOMETHING I could do without making myself more miserable.

Maybe I deserve to be miserable, though. I made my bed and now I have to lie in it. And although ONE of my problems wasn't my fault (the car accident... which started all the trouble), the other ones are, and I don't know what to do anymore.

I just need so much help. I have never felt so hopeless.

Jeez, even if Kelly DOES come back... this is just adding to problems I've been pushing out of my mind for far too long. I hate this. I hate what my life has become.


Unknown said...

have you tried craigslist

Unknown said...

have you tried craigslist