Monday, October 17, 2005

It's two weeks until my birthday.

I think you all know what I want, by now.


I finally bought speakers for my computer. They cost me less than $20. Why didn't I buy them before today? I can also use them with my mp3 player. woot.

I went out today to buy that stupid gate opener for my apartment... the valley is so freaking flooded. I ACTUALLY thought I was going to be swept away a couple of times.

Remind me never to go to the gas station at Cahuenga and Magnolia ever again. These people asked me to buy them so gas, I told them I was REALLY poor, but still bought them $10 worth of gas... and then ANOTHER guy asked me for gas. I was like... wtf is going on?

I sooo did not want to buy those people gas, either. The only reason I did was because I ACTUALLY thought to myself "Now what would Jesus do, Alisa?"

Well, in all reality, Jesus would probably have filled up their tank. Or maybe provided them with a car that didn't need gas... Or magical sandals or something.

There's this part of Burbank just west of the 5 that looks exactly like Cuyahoga Falls on Howe Rd. It kind of freaks me out.

I really like having speakers. I mostly like being able to listen to music.

I have to be at the Suite Life at 10am tomorrow. I'm a little scared because Leona won't be there until 11... and what if I forgot where it was? I really think I might have forgotten.

I still wonder why Paul Simon wanted people to called him "Al."

Haha, that reminds me. I was thinking about going by "Ali"... but I like my name. I like that name, too, but no one freaking gets my name right and I'm sick of it. Someone said recently that nothing reminded them more of hope and happiness more than the name "Alisa." I bet no one ever said that about the name... Molly. Or... Jacob. Yeah... I think my mom really got it right when she named me.

I had my first "jim dream" last night. I never really dreamt about him when we were actually together, so it was weird. He didn't really do much in it, though... but I guess it was nice to "see him." There were also these TINY kittens in the dream... and my parents were there... and I was singing in the mirror in the bathroom. I was talking about being "God's favorite, after the 7 boys of the original tribes of Israel." You know... somehow... I don't think that's actually true. And does that count as sacrilege? If so... sorry.

I miss Len. I really want to talk to him. I could email him but I'm just kind of hoping, by my expressing this thought in text, that he'll just KNOW to look at my website and get caught up on my life. The email I would send him would be so ridiculous that he would probably stop reading halfway through.

Yeah, this needs to stop.

On and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,
I’ll be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,
I’ll be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.

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