Wednesday, November 23, 2005


WHY WHY WHY do I have the worst life EVER???

Ok ok ok ok.... today had started out pretty good. Terri called me back for EVERY ROLE except Rapunzel, which I thought was a good thing. So, I went to kent and got my sides and then went to Cuyahoga Falls, where I got a job as a server at the OG (yay!). It was starting to get pretty crappy weather-wise out, so I just went to Kent to hang out until 7.

I got to see a lot of people, which was really nice. I was sitting in the green room with Bryan and said to him "I want to see jessie so bad. I hope she can sense the brain waves I am sending her to come over here." Who should come by not thirty seconds later? Jessie Rubin. It was just thrilling. Anyway, callbacks went REALLY well for me. I THINK I did really, really well at ALL the roles she called me back for.

She said the cast list would go up tonight, and since I won't be there tomorrow, I decided to wait... and then karl came around with it... and I looked... and I actually SPOKE these next words:

"Oh my God, my worst nightmare has come true."

Now, before anyone gets on my case, YES, I am HAPPY TO BE CAST. I realize I have a really good role and it is one I always said I wanted to play... at some point. I was just thinking it would be in about 30 years and not at age 23.

Because she cast me as Jack's Mom.

What was I saying just one week ago? "I'm afraid since I'll be older than most of the people that she'll only consider me for the adult roles. I just don't want to be Jack's Mom."

I did an AMAZING job tonight. Apparently she must have wanted someone REALLY GOOD to play Jack's Mom. And now I'm just gonna have to be the freaking BEST JACK's MOM EVER.

Which will be hard since I am neither in my 50s nor hideously ugly.

Oh, and to top it all off, John Moauro is playing Jack... and he played Rocky with me the second year I did the show. And now I'm his MOM. We like pretend made out on stage and now I'm his... mom.

SOOOOOOOOOO.... like I said, I am happy to be cast. And Jack's mom IS a good role, and she's really funny and she gets to sing... but I CANNOT pretend I'm not ridiculously disappointed. I mean, really. WHAT does she want from me?? There will never be a time in my life when I would be better at one of the four leads... and I'll never get to prove this. Because apparently I am never supposed to be one of my "practiced" roles in this show.

As Dan said, "Don't worry. Kent State is a joke."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your post reminded me of when my sister-in-law auditioned for a role in Steel Magnolias. She was by far, the best actress for it. In fact, she even made everyone cry when she read a monologue from it at her audition.

Anyway, everyone thought that she was a shoe-in for the role. When the cast list went up, she saw that she had been given Truvy instead. She was pissed, and really hurt. She spoke with the casting lady, who was very frank with her. The woman explained, that even though Truvy seemed like lesser of a role, she was the hardest character to play. She had some very funny lines that would have sounded like crap, had any of the others tried to say them.

So, I guess that what I'm saying to you, is that it could be the same kind of situation. Obviously, these people think that you are perfect for this role, and the only actress that could make the character believable.

Don't lose heart. You will kick ass in this show, and like my sister-in-law, probably be the only character that people remember!
