Sunday, January 15, 2006

We're 99.9% through with blocking of Act 1... which is kind of amazing. Everyone is off book or almost off-book and we're not screwing up the music as much as one normally would under Sondheim circumstances... I can't believe we're doing this well after only 4 rehearsals. Bryan was all "worst opening number yet!" after our run through today and I was like "uhhhh... I think it was great for the 4th rehearsal!"

Last night we all went to this stupid place, Club Khameleon (yes, they did spell it wrong like that) to celebrate Jessie and Bethany's birthdays. I was really mad, though, because there was a $5 cover because of this awful band that was playing. I hated that band. They weren't BAD at what they did, but I hated what they did. And I hated them more for making me pay to get in. I was, as always, the only one of age who wasn't drinking, but it was pretty fun (besides the smoke). I did, however, realize that I have a huge problem. Since I haven't been single since I was 15, I missed the stage of development where you learn how to talk to people you don't know. Or... introduce yourself to others. Haven was like "Let's go say hi to the band" and I was like " I'm scared." And then we did, and she was talking to them as a normal person would and I was just nodding and then said my one vocal comment, "Yes. Enjoyable." Alisa = nerd. Also, all the girls in my (new) graduating class are like... drop dead gorgeous... so if I'm going to be hanging out with them, I'm really gonna have to step up the clothing game. Perhaps less than 3 layers of clothing...

I just get cold so easily!

I know I need to work, but I'm really sad that I got scheduled so much this week. I KNOW I'll be able to get someone to pick up my Sunday shift (they said I HAD to have some kind of Sunday availability, even though I have rehearsal ALL DAY on Sundays...), but I was kind of hoping for tomorrow off. We just had sooooo much rehearsal this week.... and with school starting on Tuesday... it's just so much STUFF. So, I work MWF mornings and Saturday night. And school on TTh from 11-4. Woo. I know this is about to seem like the craziest idea I've ever had, but I THINK I am going to want to work out BEFORE school and work. I'll regret this later, but if I can go work out, it will really make me less likely to fall asleep or get bored during my... 2... classes and voice lesson. Now I just need to schedule in time for reading those stupid plays.

Since it seems as though there is no way my parents are going to be moving into their OWN apartment any time soon, and mom is going to stay with grandma, I'm trying to convince them to let me "babysit" the computer until they DO have a place. They can't put it in storage, and grandma doesn't have internet access, so it only makes sense. This is why I haven't made bigger steps toward getting a monitor, yet. I would really like a flat screen, because my desk is small and made out of cardboard, but I really doubt I'd be able to afford one. Well, if we're getting into what I REALLY want... I want a laptop. BUT.... the days when I can afford THAT are far, far away. Too bad my monitor wouldn't fit in my car when I drove back. :(

I tell you, there are few things that taste better than Subway cookies.

I've felt a lot less crazily desperate, lately... which is SUCH a relief! I am, however, still crazily obsessive... but about other things than just Jim, now. Now it's also stuff like the shows we're doing next year at school and hoping I can go to the showcase. I keep hearing that they might be doing A Chorus Line for the spring musical and I am sooooo against it. Not that it's a bad show, but unless it's the nonexistent CONCERT version of ACL, I will not be in it, and if I AM, I will be playing the role of Tricia, cut dancer with 2 bar solo in the beginning. That's the most I could hope for unless every dancer at KSU broke their legs. And they'd still probably get cast before me. See? I am very prone to obsession. I always have been.

Everyone is going to SETCs this year and I am very sad I'm not going if for no other reason than the fact that they're going to be in Orlando and I could go visit Ms. Christy Reynolds. Unfortunately, I believe the application was due, like... before I even knew I was going back to school... so there was never really any chance of that happening. Next year, though, I'm gonna hit ALL the combined auditions. Maybe I'll get an offer somewhere, too. That'd be the most surprising thing that ever happened.

I am really, really tired. I wish I didn't have to work, tomorrow. Stupid OG. And stupid MG because have I received my checks, yet? Of course not. I'm just going to call the corporate office on Tuesday and ask them to reissue the checks... and change my address so I can get my tax stuff. I should have never left the OG in Westwood... at least there I could have gotten my last 3 weeks of pay.

Soooo... yay! Tomorrow is the first day of MY "new year"! I figure it's as good a time as any to change everything around.

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