Friday, January 13, 2006

Rehearsal is going surprisingly well. Maybe it's because everyone likes the show.... I dunno. I'm really excited for it, though.

Last night I went to Applebee's with some of my friends, and that was fun. We all talk way too much, and at the same time, and really loudly, and I'm sure we're the most annoying people on the face of this earth because of it. The biggest problem with my theatre friends is that that they, like myself, MUST be the center of attention... so... there's quite the conflict of interests going on. :)

I was somehow lucky enough to not have to be at rehearsal until 6pm today, so I got some groceries and ran some other errands. I was soooo happy because not only did I find pre-cooked grilled chicken at the store, but also pesto sauce--- which I have NEVER been able to find. So, today I made this awesome dish of wheat penne, pesto, parmesan, butter and the chicken... and it was unbelievably good. I never cook, and not that this was HARD to make, but I was still impressed with myself. Maybe I should have only been impressed with the ingredients...

Tomorrow I think we are going out for Bethany's birthday, which was on... Monday, I believe. Today was Jessie's birthday, but she was stupid and didn't tell anyone. It's also Friday the 13th, which have generally been really good days for me, but nothing extraordinary happened.

Sooo... this morning I kept thinking there was going to be an earthquake but then I realized that no, I'm not still in California, of COURSE there isn't going to be an earthquake. Lo and behold, there WAS an earthquake here (well, Mentor, but it's close enough), today. I didn't feel it, but I can't believe it actually happened. I am so in tune with the earth...

It's been so beautiful out the last couple of days. I can't believe it's January and I didn't even need my coat today. Of course, after being 50 degrees today, tomorrow it drops to 34... but it's supposed to pick back up again throughout next week. This is so... weird. And kind of scary because I feel like it's the end of the world or something.

Last night I finished reading Job (which I read once already on an airplane, but could barely pay attention to because of these screaming kids). I still have a lot left in the Old Testament, but it feels like a lot less because of psalms and the other song-y, poem-y books. I also finished my Friends season 10 DVD which was just... sad. That really was the best show ever made. They were all SO good at their characters... and I steal SO MUCH from them. :)

I KNOW that these posts are really, really boring... but when I'm away from the computer for so long I feel like the only thing I have time for is catching up. When I finally get a monitor and internet access in my room, it'll be good, again. (and as we all know, my "good" posts are the one where I'm freaking out or sad or something so boy, I can't WAIT for that, again!)

Oh... here is something funny. I was telling Griffin about "how depressed I am" and he told me not to be but then he said "No, you should be. And you should revel in it." I said I was going to paint my room black and get dead flowers to put in a vase, play creepy organ music all the time and just lay on the floor yelling "I'M SO DEPRESSED!" I think that sounds like pretty good reveling. :)

Keeping busy and not being able to use the internet as much really HAS kept my mind off Jim. I hear I can also go to the rec center already, which is AWESOME, and I am going to do it TOMORROW, which will help even more. The exercise will release endorphins and endorphins make you happy... and then I'll go to rehearsal and probably be happy AGAIN, and then I'll go out for Bethany's birthday and continue to be happy... and then I won't even care about Jim...

for a couple minutes....

(and OKAY, Chris, I'll add your link to this blog, too...)

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot this. I am SO ANGRY with Brad Pitt. I feel like I might never see any of his movies again, just because he is a JERK. It's one thing to deny his and Angelina's relationship for so long, but then to get her pregnant and NEVER WARN JENNIFER ANISTON BEFORE THE NEWS BROKE??? I can only imagine how she feels, and I'm SURE it's worse than how *I* feel... and that is just truly awful.

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