Thursday, May 18, 2006

What ever happened to common courtesy? What ever happened to letting people know things so they didn't drive themselves crazy wondering?

I don't understand why some directors NEVER inform people that they weren't cast, and don't make the information available ANYWHERE. I mean, couldn't there be some kind of information on the website or SOMETHING? God, there comes a point in my life... it happened when I didn't think I was going to work at Porthouse... when you just want to KNOW, either way. Yes, you would rather have it go in one direction, but to keep you hanging... ugh... it's just the worst. The WORST. I JUST WANT TO KNOW.

And the people I assume DID get it are so internet stealthy that it makes my life really difficult. In the stalking-type way.

And... the whole "I just want to know" thing applies to other things/people in my life right now, too. I feel like I am treated like a child by like... everyone. NO ONE will tell me things that could possibly upset me... like I'm going to freak out or something. Really... I mean, yes, I'll freak out about stuff, but it does NOT come immediately. First is the eerie calmness... the freaking out comes later. So, really, it's best to tell me stuff and then go away or something so you miss the freak out.

God... anyway... my mom and I took the cat for a walk today. We're such a bunch of hippies, taking the cat for a walk. It was going well until she got scared by the cars on the road. It was actually sunny today (until it rained, later). I liked it.

We also went to this Seafood Buffet (as many of you know, I do not eat food from the sea.. luckily they had chicken) for dinner, which was nice.

And yay for the hippies winning the Amazing Race. As always, it was the only episode I watched this season... but those hippies were cool.

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