Ok, so the past half hour has been.... nice. :)
I checked my email and had gotten an email from the L5Y director telling me that they're still deciding on the guys and that they can't cast Cathy until they have the Jamie. It is me and 2 other girls (both of whom are VERY good) left in the running. And then, like literally 5 seconds after I read this, Jon called to tell me what HE knew and to see if I had heard anything. I guess they called him the other day and asked him a bunch of questions about his past rehearsal procedures and experience, etc... he said they were stuck between him and one other guy... we talked for a while, then I called my sister, then Jon called me AGAIN because in the short amount of time I was off the phone with him, the music director called him and asked him to come in tomorrow to work through some stuff. So, this makes ME happy because I was the only one who sang with him, but you never know... Jon said he would call me if he got cast either way, so at least I won't be left in the dark for the rest of my life. He said also he asked the musical director "Have you cast Cathy yet?" and he said "You can ask that, but I can't answer." which makes both of us think that they DID.... or at least they have one specific girl paired up with each guy and they just need to decide on the guy. Oh my God. I want this so bad. I am so glad the dream isn't over.
They might be casting it tomorrow evening.
Please resume your good thoughts and best wishes. :)
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