Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ok, so I am partially double jointed but it is mostly in my fingers and hips. It's nothing exciting or particularly gross... I can't do that freaky inverted elbow thing that Colleen does, but I DO have my own special brand of horrible thumb popping and pinky finger dancing.

Last night there was this HUGE storm that lasted for hours. There was so much lightning that I started to take pictures. Now, I need you to keep in mind that these are from my CELL PHONE and it was in the middle of the night, so the fact that I got a picture of anything is amazing.

After about an hour of me trying to get better pictures than this I got a really horrible headache and then I said to myself "Why on earth are you pressing your hand against a window, while holding a metal, electronic device, in the middle of a lightning storm? Don't you think this is testing fate just a LITTLE?"

The power went off several times and I started to get really bored so I was admiring my hand-model worthy hands which is how I discovered some more double jointed finger things I never noticed before.

I love "The Daily Show" but it is just so depressing. I wish congress could get ANYTHING done. Mike DeWine's (one of Ohio's senators... the one I am going to oust from office) approval rating is -8% and he is rated #97 out of 100. HAHAHA, Mike DeWine. You obviously suck. If it weren't for the fact that people vote of the incumbent 98% of the time (no matter what), my job would be a lot easier.

Today is June 22, 2006. You know what THAT means???

Dix-huit est vingt-quatre!

Happy Birthday, Dix Huit!!!!!!!!!!!

She's in Cancun (I think) until Sunday, but she had BETTER come back with cornrows!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT: Jenni and my idea of what Dix Huit would look like in cornrows...

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