Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring has arrived... for now. It's definitely 70 degrees outside (WHY couldn't it have been 70 degrees all weekend in new york?) and we're expecting the huge storm that tore the great plains apart. I know that in the summer Ohio is just as nice on the warm days as California... but it's not at all because California doesn't have rain. California has unlimited nice summer/all year long days. I miss that.

I have been such a bad PITNB reader this last week. I always feel like I lose touch with the world when I don't have internet access.. it's still down in my room so I'm using the eagle's landing "lab" which is only open a couple of hours a day.

My parents are FINALLY getting our taxes done. I was about to... do them myself... which is just a really bad idea. I never did get tax stuff from central casting so I am HOPING I just didn't make enough there to warrant getting any kind of tax papers... but I don't know. I've tried calling them a million times but they're almost impossible to reach.

April 18th is the big moving day for my parents to Huron. God, that's so weird. I can't wait to see the place.... but man... it's gonna be weird...


Sometimes I have these really strange flashbacks that make me think of the Ben Folds Five song "Fair."
Every couple nights or so
You know you pop into my dreams
I just can’t get rid of you
Like you got rid of me
Ohh, but I send my best
Cause God knows you’ve seen my worst

I know I shouldn't... I shouldn't even THINK about it, let alone post it.... especially because I AM happy now and I'm doing really well... but it is STILL way harder than everyone said it would be.

Oh, and also, based on recent events, I think I am now officially scared to get involved with anyone ever again. In case you were wondering.

I need some tea. Despite my lack of internet I'll try to post tomorrow from a new location...

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