Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The show is over. I think it went okay. I got hit for real today by Dan and it hurt so bad! I'm afraid I'm going to have a big bruise on my cheek. Most of my friends were there today which was nice. I like it when I know people in the audience.

So, my audition yesterday went really well. REALLY well... she said "We'll have callbacks sometime in the next month," which could be... you know... anytime. But the director seemed to like me and the music director REALLY liked me, and I was last, which I always like... so hopefully everything goes well and I get called back and the callbacks go well and I get cast because that would be amazing.

Yesterday I was talking to Ben outside his Winter's Tale rehearsal and Otto walked by in his bear pants... and I said something along the lines of (or what I WOULD say, now, if it were a perfect world) "He should exercise his rights of the Second Amendment." Now, ok, this is not funny at all because
A. You probably weren't standing right there
B. You don't know why Otto would be in bear pants and
C. You may or may not know what the Second Amendment IS...

But, trust me, it was EXTREMELY funny. And yes, I did steal it from a t-shirt. But it worked so well!!

And buy me that t-shirt.

I don't know what I am going to do now that my show is over. I have been in rehearsal for SOMETHING almost every day this year. Now I have two months of... nothing... with some hopeful callbacks in there somewhere. Oh. Well, there is the AIDS benefit but after THAT... I'm gonna be at Family Video A LOT.

(as if I'm not there a lot as it is...)

Oh. And my voice was fine last night despite all the worrying I did. :)

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