Monday, April 06, 2009

grizzly countenance indeed!!


Holy crap. Can you believe the difference?? The beardo picture was taken Sunday March 29th, the middle on Tuesday the 31st and the last one today. I never really minded the beard until I saw it now. When he came back from his haircut on the 31st I was like, "Oh my GOD! You look so good!!" He clearly looked at least 10 years younger (and no longer like a homeless person). Now he just looks like a kid. I never want him to grow that beard again! Man!! I just about fell out of my seat when I saw these pictures tonight. It's ridiculous and hilarious. Please don't make him grow that again, anyone.

Today we had dinner at McAlister's, which was great. I really like rosemary bread. I felt no guilt about eating it which made it even better. I like to be able to eat without guilt (something that doesn't happen if I go to, say, KFC).

Yesterday it was above 70 degrees, today the high was over 60 and tomorrow it is probably going to SNOW!!! That's stupid.

I did just find out Chris and I are not going to have the same day off during the month I'm working at Heritage. I'll have off on Sundays, he on Mondays. Boo. At least it's only a month.

....annnnnnd, that's all I got.

3 comments: said...

"Please don't make him grow that again, anyone."

How about:

• "I'm delighted that my betrothed is blessed with such versatility (in looks and talent) that he can play dozens of different kinds of great Shakespeare roles: comic and dramatic, old and young, big and small."


• "Wow, maybe one of the reasons the love of my life is so employable in repertory classical theatre is because he can play such a wide variety of ages and types."


• "If Chris didn't look so darn great with a beard, maybe he never would have been cast as Shylock and maybe I would not have gotten the opportunity to work onstage for a year with the American Shakespeare Center."


• "My glass of beard trimmings is half full, not half empty...yum!"

Hugs and kisses,

alisa said...

Ok, I get it. But since you said that he can play old AND young does that mean he'll get to play Lysander next Midsummer?? Or better yet, Hal in 2H4?? :) said...

1. we won't be doing MIDSUMMER for a few more years...and when we do it again, I doubt I would use his super powers for Lysander...but ya never know!

2. I love Chris's work, I'll consider him for anything.

3. I hate most agents...

4. any actor who is fixated on playing certain types (like "young") is usually listening to the wrong people...

5. I think Chris really needs to grow his hair and beard very long to be in HAIR...

6. if Chris can grow his foot hair, I'd like to consider him for a hobbit in our adaptation of BARD OF THE RINGS...