Sunday, October 05, 2008

i'm using bad language to make a point

So, anonymous comments had continued so I had to stop letting anonymous people make comments. Great job, you ruined it for everyone. Also, let me just say one thing: I don't care if you make fun of me (well, I DO care but I'm not going to delete the comment. I'll just stoop to your level and insult you back) but when you insult my loved ones there is a BIG PROBLEM. This is why I am a hitter--- because when I get mad I get REALLY, REALLY mad. Not once, but twice? Come on, dickweed. Grow some fucking balls and get over yourself.

1 comment:

bethany said...

internet makes people think it's ok to be assholes, which it shouldn't. Of course, some people also think this is ok in real life. I think you're great and hope you keep blogging. Or at least twittering.