The only good thing that happened to me this morning was that 3 people bought the lanyards we have 245 of. That's it. This was only good because we have SO MANY and they cost a ton so I want them to sell. My boss boss was at the show tonight and I told him how all 3 copies of this test book we bought (it's called Coined by Shakespeare) had been bought in less than a week and he told me to order 10 more. We need so much stuff in the gift shop. We're running low on all t-shirts (but i think we're going to redesign some of them so we just need to order the stuff we're keeping) and every time I order stuff we've always had we run out within a week and a half. I mean, this is GOOD, but I have this whole BUDGET to think about and it's driv

I saw this "life size" Shakespeare puppet today on amazon. We will not be ordering this for our gift shop. Hahahaha. It doesn't even look like Shakespeare. It looks more like Kevin Kline.
Ginna gave me a whole bag of clothes today and then as I was leaving the theatre Alyssa asked me if she and Alli could give me clothes, too. I will always take clothes from people. I even took some of Jessie's clothes, the last of which I think I took to Goodwill recently. I don't even know why Jessie had them in all honesty. They couldn't have possibly fit her.
Speaking of clothes that fit you, I went to Steve and Barry's the other day and bought pants that fit me for $9 from the SJP BITTEN collection. Everything in the store is like $8.95. No wonder they are bankrupt.
Virginia is hot. Not in the good way.
Since I-kind-of-sort of run the bookstall/gift shop at Chicago Shakes (we are Tony Award Winner!), here is a quick suggestion of some things that sold LIKE CRAZY for me.
1. Shakespeare Bobbleheads (really)
2. Shakespeare Insult Quote Mugs (and Love and Bawdy mugs too - but Insult sells best)
Other than that, we sell mostly books.
Check out Unemployed Philosopher's Guild for a bunch of stuff. (
Most of the stuff there sells well, except those Sticky Notes - which are cheap and worthless and the Watch which moves SLOW.
I clearly have no life.
We have the bobbleheads and pretty much everything from unemployed philosopher's guild. Seriously.... like... everything. Even the sticky notes (which we sell a TON of!!! how weird!) We make our own t-shirts with Shakespeare's Insults and another for pick up lines so the mugs might be competing. Even though I like them better. Even though I OWN the Shakespeare love quotes mug. But thanks for the suggestions. ;)
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