Friday, July 04, 2008

curtains, pants and babies

Today is the 4th of July. It's going to rain (I KNOW it is this time... if I was wearing my rain boots no one would be laughing today!) and the attendance for tonight's Lear has gone from 66 last night to 101 today. For some reason I had thought/hoped it wouldn't be as cold in here today as it normally is, but I was wrong. Chris and I just had lunch at KFC. It is our yearly tradition. We don't eat there very often (I think we've been there 3 other times since last 4th) so I feel like it's not completely horrible. Plus, it's trans fat free (otherwise we wouldn't ever go there) so it's still better than Burger King. I get a random paid day off for having to work today which is awesome. I wonder when I'll use it... maybe for some beautiful three day weekend sometime...

Our wireless at home keeps going in and out. Of course. See?? Comcast. I knew you'd suck. Anyway, it's not a big deal since there's a USB cord that we can still get online with but for some reason it's really bugging Chris. Perhaps because we're paying for it.

None of my pants fit me anymore because I've mysteriously lost weight. I think it's all the fiber. Since we got back from tour in March I've lost like 8 pounds without doing ANYTHING (except not eating fast food every day and eating 26-30 grams of fiber a day) and now I need new pants. I NEVER buy pants. I have like a million shirts and maybe 10 pairs of pants. Maybe.

The other Chris, Chris Nash, switched shifts with me tomorrow morning so luckily I don't have to house manage the night show because I am NOT ready. I am okay with house managing the morning--- there's no reports in the morning. But man... the night is scary. Reports are scary. I just don't want to screw up and break the playhouse. Hopefully when I do have to house manage at night and do reports it'll be a lot less scary than I am imagining it to be. I tend to overreact to things that haven't happened yet. It's actually pretty good because when I do and they turn out okay I am just relieved and happy. If I think everything is going to be fine and great and it falls apart I'm like "ahhhhh! This is the WORST THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I don't like that feeling... so pre-overreacting is better.

Last night we had nothing left in snacks for the bar so when Nash got back he and I spent 20 minutes bagging for Emily and somehow we were able to get 10 of everything with ten minutes to go before the house opened. I should be a professional candy-bagger.

Oh, ok, so on Monday Chris and I went all around getting things we needed for the aprtment. We got the kitchen cart which has been GREAT-- it's exactly what we needed. I also found curtains at Lowe's for LESS THAN $7!!!! This is amazing because every curtain I've looked at costs like $20 for one panel. I'm not crazy about them but we HAD to get curtains for our room (it's soooo bright in the mornings) and they were so cheap I didn't care. We got a rug for the living room to keep the floor from continuing to peel off and the couch from staying in place. Chris slept on the rug for like an hour and a half the other night like a cat while I watched "Jon and Kate Plus Eight."

My friends Dan (from my tour) and Alex (his wife) are pregnant and I am SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!!! Dan first announced it on his facebook profile on Monday or something and I immediately threw the computer down and called him. I didn't get to see him until yesterday when I finally got to ask questions. She's three months in and the baby's due in January.. hopefully when Dan's still home in the two week vacation from tour. If not...uh... I guess they'll have to get an understudy for a while. They've been trying to get pregnant for the last year and they just bought a house and a dog so this is just really, really great. It's also kind of funny because I had a feeling they were pregnant. I don't think it was based on anything they said.. I just started to have the feeling.. and it's TRUE! Yayayayay!

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