"Alisa you look so creepy in that tube." Yes... yes I did.
My favorites. (Griffin and Ben)
There is NOTHING hotter than this. (Ernie and Yolanda)
Because we are in LOVE.
Ok, so I have.... problems. I spoke of how I've lost everything lately.... but today it got worse. Today I turned off my alarm and didn't reset it and woke up half an hour before I had to be at work and THEN I forgot to ask Jill for the money she owed me from our party and she left and I won't see her before I leave... so I lost out on $8! Argh! What is wrong with me lately??
My jury was fine yesterday. I belted "Not a Day Goes By".... yes, belted, my friends. Now, normally one would think that is an awfully risky move for your jury where they teach you to never belt and hate belting... and you still have a semester with these schmoes so you wouldn't want to upset them.... but I just didn't care. I care so little about what they think of me that it's kind of funny.
My room is almost totally packed up for my half-move tomorrow. I feel as though I can't bear to put my TV and DVD player in storage because if I DO I will be sooooo bored until I move. I don't think I could deal with the boredom.
I think that I would like to rent "Say Anything" tonight. I love that movie.
Well, Britney's pregnant again. I guess this gives me more ammo if there's another Masquerade Ball. And did my fellow PITNB readers see that thing about Jessica Simpson almost putting her dog through the airport x-ray machine? Hilarious.
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