Everyone looked stunning. I got there, of course, 2 hours before most of my friends did. Ryan and I wondered why the mic wasn't working for about 30 minutes, and then Paul fixed it in 2. I then proceeded to drink a lot of punch and eat a lot of carrots, because that ticket was $18 and I was going to get my $18 worth of food if it was the last thing I did. Eventually everyone came and we had a grand time. I really love the awards part. I was crazy. I screamed for like... everyone. And not just "woooo" I screamed stuff like "John Moauro is the best.... guy!" and "GRACE!!!! I LOVE GRACE!!!!!!!" Actually, I pretty much said that I loved every single person who won. But, I did, so it was okay. Dr Bank's speech at the end made me sob like a little girl and then I went up to tell her how much respect and admiration I have for her and she said to me "You're a very smart girl. Use it. Rise up." It's not like when my MOM tells me I'm smart or a high school teacher or something... this was Dr. Bank. The smartest person... just... ever. And now I feel quite obligated to do something and indeed... rise up. I almost didn't go to the funeral because I felt like I needed to sit at home and come up with some sort of game plan for rising up.
But, I DID go to the funeral and yes, we did put the "fun" back into "funeral." Well, I mean, except for the time limit for speeches... what was that all about? Allison let me borrow her extra bathing suit so I was in the pool for a while (which was 90 degrees... it was awesome). Nick Horton came, which was fun. I also found this plastic shark in the pool that I used to scare people.
When I got out of the pool I found that my clothes were totally soaking wet and so I tried to dry them with a hair dryer... and then blew a fuse and the whole house went out. I was resigned to a life of wet pants and then someone else came in the room (let's say her initials are... JAB :) ) and started to dry her pants with the hair dryer and then the fuse blew AGAIN and we just sat there, laughing hysterically in the dark.
I left not too long after that, one of the few sober people at this party to begin with, and then I went to bed. And now it's the present. So, here's the first round of banquet pictures (I am sure there will be more to steal off facebook soon)
Sydni, Jessica, Me, Griffin and John
The coolest table in the ballroom. (standing) Haven (who wasn't actually at our table but is still cool), Griffin, Jessica and Sydni and sitting John, Allison (doesn't Allison look AMAZING???? She is so stunning), Me, Beth and Eric
A random picture of me, care of Beth
The beautiful Grace and Damian
Another cool table featuring Best Newcomer Chris, Marissa, Beth, Lara and Rick
Dana, Bethany and Me
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