Soon we will find out if you can pass a class by guessing on every question on every test. Very soon.....
I have my jury in 3 hours. Woo.
Wow, I just signed on to my flickr account and there was some kind of Goethe quote. How... odd.
I am really mad at the guy on the cell phone in the computer lab right now. Usually I don't care, but there are signs for no cell phones EVERYWHERE and he is just so distracting.
I would really like to go to the OG sometime this week with my friends (like tonight or tomorrow night, because I am moving on Thursday), so if you would like to join me for the last days of discount, let me know.
Alright, so yesterday I went with John and Griffin to Hooligan's (I think that's what it's called) and John got his ear pierced. They were going to get tattoos, but the artist guy wasn't there. I thought about getting that one piece of ear pierced, but then I considered the fact that it would hurt, so I didn't. I already have SIX piercings anyway. I think that's weird for me. Anyway, I chronicled the whole thing on my cell phone.
The Chronicles of John Getting His Ear Pierced
Looking good, my friend... looking good.

Griffin and the ZOMBIE
Rob, the piercing guy

"I'm such a goof ball!" (No, he didn't actually say that.)
About to make the first pierce....

You can tell something horrible is happening based on the look on John's face...

This picture scared me because he looks as though he's about to throw up.
For some reason I forgot to take any pictures of the finished product. What is wrong with me?? What a bad chronicler I am.
After that we went to the mall to buy earrings and I bought a pair of little hoops since I never wear earrings in my first piercings and then later that night, at Grandma's, one of the hoops went down the drain. DAMNIT. I was really mad. Now I have to go back and buy another pair because I really liked them. Growl.
Alright. So I have a problem. I lost the bottle that I always had my iced tea in.

Have you, or anyone you know, seen this bottle at any point after Omega Man on Friday? That's definitely the last time *I* remember having it.... unless I left it at Guaca Mole's. I am really sad that I keep losing these things. First the bottle, then the earring.... who am I, Marissa?(If you don't get the reference, Marissa is my friend who loses things a lot.)
Anyway, as soon as my jury is over I am done with school, so that's exciting. This semester has been really awesome, though, so it's kind of sad. I wrote Ben this letter on Sunday night and I cried the entire time I was writing it. I love him and will miss him so much. Yes, he'll be here over the summer until he and Ernie move.... but still.
Ok, that's all I got for right now.