There's a crappy cell phone picture of downtown LA. Last night we went to another free concert in the city with Cameron and (later) Hank. It was fun. I bought cookies, Jim attempted to dance, you know... the usual. After that for some reason the boys wanted to get drinks, so we walked to The Biltmore (which made me think of Dan). It's... big. And fancy. It reminded me of New York. We had to walk up this TERRIBLE hill to get back to the car (seriously, it was soooooo steep!) but we somehow made it, and I only ran into one cockroach. And I screamed.
Downtown is nice. Well, actually, a lot of downtown is scary and rundown and there are a lot of hookers and homeless people and people smokin crack... but when you look PAST those things, it's cool. *I* would live there. It's the only part of LA that seems like a real city.
So, TODAY I had my second interview with the Macaroni Grill and, thank God, I got the job. Yay! I was very happy. We have orientation on Wednesday evening but we don't actually begin training until... the end of august, I think. The restaurant is opening on September 12th. Brad got hired yesterday and Erin has her second interview on Monday. Anyway, I'll stay at the OG until training is over, I guess... since I wouldn't be making too much money just TRAINING. But, yay... new job. Hooray. :)
After that, Jim and I went to Koo koo roo for lunch and then I took a nap and then we trimmed kitty's nails. So.... exciting... in an old person type of way. Now I really need to get ready for work, but I haaaaaaaate work, so it's hard to start the process. I've already passed the $150 I made last week, which is good, and I hope I make a billion dollars tonight. If I do, I'll probably buy kitty... the jungle.
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