Right now it is 101 degrees, feels like 104 (according to weather.com). It is apparently the hottest day in NYC since 2001! Yowza. I'm sitting inside right now, but Chris and I are venturing out to look at an apartment after work which we will arrive at completely sweaty. We will look impressive.
The apartment I saw the other day that was perfect fell through.The day we were going to meet with the broker to give a deposit and fill out the application the landlord contacted her and told her it was off the market. We don't know what happened. The people already living there might have wanted to stay or maybe they had relatives who wanted it.... who knows. We saw an apartment yesterday which would be OKAY.... my biggest problem was that the bedroom would literally only be able to fit a bed. There were several closets, one in the living room that was big enough to fit a dresser, but it seems weird to have your clothes in the living room. Anyway, pending the apartment today, we'll probably apply. It's the same Avenue that we're on now, and about the same distance from the train, just in the opposite direction. The apartment we're looking at today is in.... BROOKLYN. Although barely. In fact, it's so barely in Brooklyn that I would walk across the bridge back into Queens to get on the subway (which is only half a mile). That's actually closer to the subway than the apartment that was perfect. So, we'll see.
I can't believe it's already the 6th of July. We had a pretty great 4th of July. I had to work until 3pm but then we went to KFC (it's a tradition, now) and to the Intrepid to watch the fireworks.

I can't imagine eating anything other than cereal, turkey sandwiches and iced things, now. It's too hot.
I started this post at about 3pm at work and now I'm finishing it at 9:30pm. We went to that apartment. The walk wasn't too bad on the way there but the apartment was a BIG let down. Apparently in Brooklyn "1 bedroom" doesn't actually MEAN 1 bedroom. Perhaps it was the disappointment, but the walk back seemed longer... and WAY HOTTER. When we got back to the train we were literally dripping with sweat. It was ridiculous. However, we took cold showers to cool off and then, after looking online briefly, we went out to 2 more apartments, this time using our HEADS and staying in Astoria. They were both nice and within our price range, plus we liked the broker. One was literally right next to the train.... but we didn't really hear it when it passed. I'm sure that could change... but that's what my constant white noise is for!
I just can't wait until we have our own apartment. It will be so wonderful to have a real life again.
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