Yesterday Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia came to visit the theatre. Everyone was a little bit crazy. We had a school matinee that morning and as soon as the kids got out we were running around cleaning up the theatre, sweeping and vacuuming the floors, checking the bathroom to see if the kids had destroyed them (luckily they had not. they were remarkably clean, actually) and other things that annoy almost everyone. At one point while we were waiting for the govenator, Sarah was telling Mary what her job was going to be, which included leading the governor up the stairs to the Lord's Room. She was like "I don't want to do THAT!!!" I, of course, immediately said, "I'LL DO IT!!!!!!!!" So, I did. And let me tell you, the governor is really, really nice. He remembered my name at the end of the visit (and he pronounced it correctly) and he listened to everything I said to him. I took him up to the room and then I showed him how to get out at the end. I almost wish I would have been a little bit more "Alisa" rather than "robot girl who has to be calm while talking to the highest state official" because when he was leaving and I was back in the box office I was like "I have a schedule for you!!!!!!!" (a schedule of shows) and he laughed at me and said he'd come back. He was here earlier in the year to see Volpone so we believe that he will actually return. So, you know, now the governor and I are probably best friends. He

Oh, also, when the governor was here I couldn't help but notice how much he looks like actor/comedian Larry Miller (Best in Show, among other things). Compare these photos and see if you can even guess which one is Tim Kaine and which one is Larry Miller.
On Tuesday Chris's friend James and his wife Christine came into town and I was so excited to meet them. I have wanted to meet this "Jamesy" for so long because I keep hearing these hilarious stories about him... and not only do I hear them, but half the time I think the idea is so brilliant that I steal it and use it myself (like when I convinced Raffi that "Mother Smucker" had come to see our show on tour in Orrville, Ohio--STOLEN!). Anyway, I really liked meeting both of them... Christine is so pretty and James did not let me down in the high expectations I had.
Last Sunday I did a staged reading of the play Look About You (by Anonymous), which is the most confusing read of all time. It did not help that we didn't get to read the play until Saturday night and when we started blocking (I say blocking lightly because, since it was a staged reading, blocking just includes walking up to a music stand and saying lines) we were all like "What IS THIS PLAY????" Fortunately when we actually performed it it made a LOT more sense. Never read this play. Go see the play but don't read it because you will just be confused. It's a Robin Hood play... and *I* played Maid Marian (aka, Lady Faukenbridge)!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I think they're planning on doing this play in 2010 at some point. Chris was really funny in it, and so was Emily, whose character had a horrible stutter. Scot was in it too and he wore the most ridiculous, hilarious costume so everytime I looked at him I laughed. He had coke-bottle glasses, a fake moustache, a cape, a black bowler hat... he just looked like he was going to tie me to the train tracks in a silent film. My character didn't really do anything interesting until the second half when she asked Robin Hood to disguise himself as her and she dressed up as someone else... and then hilarity ensued. Sunday basically felt like it was a non-day. I was so tired during our blocking rehearsal that I felt like I was asleep the entire day.
On November 4th, as you all know, we (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop reading if you do not know who won the presidency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) elected Barack Obama as president (along with Mark Warner, who I have ALSO met when he came to the theatre, to the Senate for VA). It was a good day for everyone... everyone except the republicans, but really, I don't know how anyone could have been SUPRISED. I was happy that Virginia was blue and that Staunton was blue, even though every county around was red. I was even happier when North Carolina and Indiana went democrat because it was like a blue melt, starting in Maine. As soon as Ohio went for Obama I knew it was over and I am glad that every county or city I've ever lived in voted democrat. Chris and I went to vote at about 10am before I went to work and then we got our free coffee from Starbucks. I don't think 10 minutes would pass without me thinking about the election that day. More than anything else, I just never wanted to hear about Sarah Palin ever again, which of course has not happened. I really need her to disappear. She's driving me nuts. At least the CNN poll asking if she should get her own TV show was like 89% NO, 11% YES. In some ways, I guess the main reason behind my voting WAS to never hear from Sarah Palin again... and so in those respects, perhaps I lost. We're ALL losers, though, in a country run by Sarah Palin. Any

Everyone has been weighing in with their opinions (who asked you anyway????) about what kind of puppy the Obamas should get. I think (because I am a hypocrite) that they should get a Bichon Frise. I also think that *I* should get a Bichon Frise. I have decided that it is 100% the best dog for my life. First of all, it's hypoallergenic and Chris is allergic to dogs. Second, it's not a barker. Third, it's a lap dog but still playful. Fourth, it's TOTALLY CUTE. Fifth, I still think I would name him Barkley, even though he's not a barker. Sixth, I want one. Seventh, it is a small dog. Eighth, the King of France used to wear Bichon Frises around his neck in a basket like a necklace. That is totally WACK. Therefore, I would like one.
How could I NOT want this dog??? Look at his FACE!!!
1 comment:
I kinda want to make the picture of that cute Bichon my desktop background. Does that mean I'm that type of person now?
Congrats on your new BFF.
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